

The Impact of Acidosis On Our Organs

Dr Theodore Baroody, author of "Alkalize or Die", offers a list of symptoms that may be precipitated by Acidosis (Chronic Acidity's Effect on Our Health)

HEART - The he - The heart is one of the most alkaline-dependent organs in the body. It is partly enervated by the vagus nerve which functions best in an alkaline environment. Correct heartbeat is altered by acid wastes. These wastes rob the blood of proper oxygenation and degeneration of the heart follows. An alkaline system creates an ideal heart function.

STOMACH - Digestive difficulties (belching, bloating, sensitivity at the waist, intestinal gas, regurgitation, hiccups, lack or limitation of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, colic in children) may indicate vagus nerve problems and possible hiatus hernia syndrome, which can produce acid residue throughout the system. Hiatus hernia can quickly reduce necessary hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Without proper hydrochloric acid breakdown of foods, the foods become too acidic.

LIVER - The liver has over three hundred functions, including processing acid toxins from the blood and producing numerous alkaline enzymes for the system and is your first line of defense against any poisons. All the nourishment obtained through the gastrointestinal tract enters the blood by way of the liver. The load on the liver is much heavier when acid waste products are constantly floating in the blood. If the liver becomes too congested with protein acid wastes, death is imminent.

PANCREAS - The pancreas is highly dependent on correct alkaline diet. All aspects of pancreatic function reduce excess acidity and regulate blood sugar balance. To have proper blood sugar balance, you must maintain a primarily alkaline-forming diet.

SMALL INTESTINES - The Peyer's Patches, in the upper portion of the small intestines are crucial to life. They are essential for proper assimilation of food and producing lymphocytes for the lymphatic system's wide ranging nodal network. They also produce large amounts of the enzyme "chyle", which is a major alkalizing substance. The uninterrupted flow of chyle into the system is crucial. Too much acid waste production from acid-forming foods is a great burden on the Peyer's Patches, which lessens the production of chyle.

KIDNEYS - In an adult, about 1 liter of blood per minute passes through the kidneys. By executing their primary duty, the kidneys keep the blood alkaline and extract acid. Kidneys that are over-stressed with too much acidity create kidney stones, which are composed of waste acid cells and mineral salts that have become gummed together in a waste acid substance. Therefore, by re

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One heart to another - thank you for touching so many hearts.

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So sorry to hear that. Praying for your recovery. Thank you for your writings.

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I loved reading your recent posts. Wondered what was up. Perhaps you are tying up loose ends, putting your affairs in order, as I have had felt the need to do on several occasions in my life. Whatever the course of your illness, you will prevail. Blessings.

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Praying for you, Celia Sue. 🙏

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God bless you and bring you back to health. 🙏 You will be in our prayers.

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Sending prayers....🙏

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